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Estimate of 2014 world machine tool marketAccording to industry market research firm FreedoniaGroup, the latest research o world machine tool industry shows that milling machine, metal forming machine tool and machine tool accessories machine tool products will remain strong annual growth of 9.4%, to 2014, global demand will reach $ 121 billion.
Since the recovery of end market in developed countries, the global milling machine market will maintain an annual growth of 8.6 percent growth rate by 2014 will grow to 610 billion U.S. dollars. In 2014, vertical milling machine will continue to occupy a major share of world machine tool market. Global metal forming machine tool will maintain an annual growth of 8.3 percent growth rate, the size of its market in 2014 will reach 23 billionU.S. dollars. Global machine tool accessory market will maintain an annual growth rate of11.6%, to 2014 will increase to $ 37 billion, will become the fastest growing market segments.
article Source: milling machine