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Indian goverment propose industry planIndia is the fastest growing economies in the world, is one of the major industrial manufacturing states. With the rapid development of automotive, defence, aerospace, rail, metal processing machine tool is in high demand. Indian milling machine has been playing an important role in the international competitiveness. In 2010, vertical milling machine consumption in India amounted to $ 1.74 billion, ranking seventh in the world; imports amounted $ 1.25 billion, ranking fifth in the world, the proportion of imports in the world total consumption up to 72%, showing a high dependence on import of industry . To improve the competitiveness of Indian milling machine industry, recently the Indian government adopted a draft policy plans in the manufacturing sector share to get up GDP from the current 15% to 16% to 25% in 2025, and to create 1 million jobs. The Bill proposes the establishment of a national investment in manufacturing base for large investment projects, equipment, world-class infrastructure.
article Source: milling machine